Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

  • DPD Calculate charges


Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the APZ factory.

Export of Products

Export of APZ products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All APZ products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant APZ: equipment for measuring, recording and controlling the movement of various working environments, production of equipment for various fields of human activity
  • Liquid flowmeters APZ
    Liquid flowmeters
    TPR, PCT, IPRE, TPRG, etc.
  • Measuring system APZ
    Measuring system
    ALKO et al .
  • Water meters APZ
    Water meters
    series SVK, SVT, CD SD, etc.
  • Gas meters APZ
    Gas meters
    SG series, etc .
  • Heat meters APZ
    Heat meters
    TS-07, TS-11, etc.
  • Level indicator APZ
    Level indicator
    USU-1 and others.
  • Rotameters APZ
    RM, RM-A, RMF, etc.
  • Hydraulic equipment APZ
    Hydraulic equipment
    valves, locks, etc.
  • Water Sprayer APZ
    Water Sprayer
    BARRIER satchel , etc.
  • Ozone therapy apparatus APZ
    Ozone therapy apparatus
    AOT-N-01-Arz, etc.
  • Measuring system APZ
    Measuring system
    oil-water-gas mixture, etc.


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